b i g f o o t

b o o k s

f o r   k i d s +

Spottings & News

They seek him here.
They seek him there.

But he told me he’d never be ‘spotted’.
He really has gone off grid, no nonsense device or nothing, just wandering the hills in his dreamy, dithery way.

“Heading Snorth” – that’s the last thing he told me. “That’s somewhere between North and South.”

“You’re taking the biscuit,” I should have said. But in the end I helped him pack. And off he loped, under the rising moon.

Anyway, if you want to find out more, ping me your email below and I’ll forward any gossip or news on his scribblings (kids: best ask a grown-up).

s t o r i e s   f r o m   T h e   W i l d s